CDC Theater to Present “The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940”

A great way to spend a winter evening is enjoying a production by the Cranford Dramatic Club. In February, the community theater will be presenting the play, “The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940.”

Cranford Radio had an opportunity to catch up with three of the folks involved with the production, director Zach Mazouat, stage manager Dana Dispoto and Shannon Ludlum, who plays Helsa Wenzel, to learn a bit about the show.

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Trish Johnson – This Organized Chaos

Many of us have things like junk drawers, piles on tables and a garage so crowded with stuff that we can’t park our car inside. How do you get away from the mess and get your space better organized?

Our guest on this week’s episode is Cranford resident Trish Johnson. She owns This Organized Chaos and we chat about things you can do to put your living space in better order and how she can help you do it.

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Trish Johnson

Monsignor Timothy Shugrue To Be Given Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award

Each year the Cranford Clergy Council and the Interfaith Human Relations Committee recognize someone with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award to honor his legacy. This year’s recipient is Monsignor Timothy Shugrue. Father Tim served as the pastor of St. Michael Church for a dozen years before retiring from the parish last year.

In this week’s episode we discuss the award and some of this memories of Dr. King while growing up.

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Rev. Timothy Shugrue

Cranford Voters to Decide on School Bond Referendum

This month voters have an opportunity to decide if they will approve a $75 million bond referendum. The bond includes funding for construction of full-day kindergarten classes in the district and facility enhancements. State aid will cover approximately 26% of the costs.

Cranford Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Scott Rubin joins the podcast this week to discuss the referendum in greater detail. Additional information can be found online in a website about the bonding question. 

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Dr. Scott Rubin